Prep Hosts Annual Blood Drive
Photo courtesy Mia Bella Chavez
Lindsay Browne ’20 donates blood at the blood drive.
Hospitals around the world are always in need of blood since it could serve to save a patient’s life. It is needed in medical emergencies such as transfusions, or for newborn babies. According to the Red Cross, 36,000 units of red blood cells are used each day in the United States. Annually, around 21 million units of blood are transfused.
Following last year’s success, SCAC partnered with Huntington Hospital to hold a blood drive again here at Prep on February 14. The event was a huge hit. Approximately 24 people donated blood, a much greater amount of donations compared to last year (which was around 10). Irene Jang ‘20, SCAC member and coordinator of the Blood Drive, described how the drive went: “We had a total of 24 donors which was less than the total signed up. But, there were many varsity athletes who made it to CIF and there was a sickness going around so those affected the turn out quite a bit. Overall, it was a huge success and it was all thanks to the Prep students and faculty, and the Huntington Hospital staff.”
The Blood Donor Center at Huntington Hospital provides and coordinates donation services. They provide whole blood donations, directed blood donations to specific people, and certain blood component donations. The center heavily relies on a steady stream of donations to supply to their patients. However, only 3% of people who are eligible to give blood actually do so. They are at a shortage of blood, which directly affects their Trauma Center. So, anyone willing to donate blood greatly helps them. Lucca Guzman-Gieseken ‘20 described his experience drawing blood, “It was really cool and I hate needles, but the nurses made me feel comfortable. The process was super easy and kind of fun to watch. It felt good to do something for someone else especially since it’s so easy.”
The process of donating blood is quick and simple, and has a big impact on those in need of it. All students had to do was fill out some paperwork regarding their health and consent to giving blood, drink several glasses of water throughout the day, do a mini-physical, and then draw blood, which only took about 10-15 minutes total.
Blood is such a vital component of our everyday lives. Huntington Hospital uses more than 14,000 blood products a year. There is always a necessity for blood, and it comes with the satisfaction of knowing you helped save someone’s life. Make sure to come donate blood at next year’s Blood Drive!

Two employees of Huntington Hospital supervising the drive.

Grade: 12
Years on Staff: 4
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