Project Light Bulb: Senate Awards Clubs with Funding
Nineteen club presidents at Prep opened their email inboxes on Monday, November 5th, to find that Student Senate awarded them funding to help spearhead their plans for the year. Throughout October, Senate accepted applications for Project Light Bulb, an initiative that provides funding to clubs.
Clubs are an integral part of Prep’s culture. Through club life, students can meet like minded individuals and pursue their passions in various sectors (to use Senate’s categories): educational, artistic, recreational, advocacy, or interest. Senate Commissioner General (CG) Ryan Huntley ‘19 noted, “Clubs are what allow students to create their own paths at Prep, and to share their interest in a particular activity with the rest of the student body.”
The message is clear – Senate values Prep’s club life, as $3000 of funding was awarded to 19 clubs (grants ranging from $25 to $400) that they realized had the potential to make an impact on the community. The funds were distributed to the clubs based on what they plan to do with the funding. Senate Commissioner General Ryan Huntley ‘19 stated that “the purpose of Project Light Bulb is to enable clubs to make an impact on the Prep community, so we award funding based on how well a given club’s proposal fulfills that mission.”
However, Project Light Bulb is only a small part of Senate’s wider approach in helping clubs on campus. There are 73 clubs currently registered for this year, and $8330 was requested during the Project Light Bulb application process. Senate strives to help every club accomplish their goals for the year. Club Council, for instance, is solely dedicated to helping all clubs grow and succeed. Ryan noted, “Club Council is always available for clubs who are seeking help with their events, ideas for recruiting new members, or opportunities for collaborating with other clubs.”
Above all, the true beauty of Prep’s club life is not found in specific clubs who do specifically great things, but rather in the wide array of clubs that have diverse interests and diverse goals. All clubs find value in pursuing their passions with friends. As the year progresses, it is clear that everyone wants club life to remain a thriving part of the Prep community. It is on all of our shoulders to help accomplish that.
Clubs Awarded Funding
Activism in the Arts, Sofia Echavarria
Amnesty International – Irene Jang, Jason Kreinberg, Pierre Cativiela, Clio Klapsis, Jeffrey Pendo
Asian American Association – Carrie Luk, Emily Yam
Board Gaming Club – Bailey Hobey, Kristofer Chang
Cause for Paws – Emily Zhou, Anna Turysheva
Coding Club – Daniel Chung, Sean Browne
Film Club – Max Rosenfeld, Seb Evans
Flintridge Anglers – Ben Sacks and Robbie Case
Language Learning Club – Leon Kuo, Joey David
Magic Club – Ryan Alameddine
Math Club – Catherine Zheng, Emma Wang
Rebel Robotics – Sophie Lin, Ryan Wu
SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Acceptance) – Isabel Moon, Sylvie Shure
Science Olympiad – Catherine Zheng, Bavan Rajan, Ellen Ma
Sewing Club – Cammi Bielawa and Sophie Lin
Snaps – Irene Jang
Spanish Honors Society – Melissa Grande
The Yell, Peter Mugemancuro
Operation Christmas Child – Haley Allen, Valentina Martinez

Grade: 12
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